Room to Dream: The Great Escape

Hi Babes,
It’s been almost a year since I last spoke to you all on here. I hope you are feeling well and are sheltered in place during these wild wild times. To be honest, quarantine has been very anxiety inducing for me and while looking for ways to cope, my brain did what it does best under stress and anxiety. It distracts.
What I have always seen as my biggest weakness in life, being easily distracted, has really been my coping mechanism through this pandemic. Some of us shop, others cook, and some go to the gym, but for me my mind has always been my great escape. Dreaming is my distraction. Growing up, I would spend hours during the day dreaming, about relationships, about trips, about events, and most importantly what I would be wearing while doing those things. Now that I’m older I still dream but my dreaming is reserved for late nights and early mornings when I spend hours in bed thinking of different scenarios.
These past several weeks in self isolation, I have had even more time to dream up scenarios, and images. Coincidentally I was watching an Instagram live conversation between @Creativejenius report and @Memsor. While discussing what creatives can do during this time when our work is non essential, Memsor reminded us to “allow room to dream.” This is precisely what I have been doing, and when I can, I have been bringing these dreams to life.
In a sense my mind has felt like a fashion editors desk and I have been editing and refining stories I want to tell through images, some are short, some are long, some are being sent back to the fashion team for a reshoot. Here is one photo story that the editor has approved. I hope it serves as an escape for you. Until next time, take care.