3 Promises for the New Year

Happy New Year Babes!

I hope 2019 is treating you well so far. This is the time of year when we normally create resolutions and set goals for ourselves for the things we want to accomplish in the year ahead, but I wanted to do something a bit different this year. Sure, I have actionable goals for myself, but this year I am focusing more on promises.

Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines the word “Promise” as…

1 a: a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified

b: a legally binding declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act.


So this year I am making 3 behavior changing promises to myself that I want to share with you.

  1. I promise to value my Worth. Towards the end of last year I had a very startling realization— not only do I not value my worth, but I don’t even know my worth. This discovery came about in the midst of leaving my old job, and when I began to investigate found that for the most part this holds true for other areas of my life. I will expand on the other areas of my life later but for now, at least in the area of work, I am learning more and more about my worth every day.

  2. I promise to invest in worthwhile mental real estate. This is just a very flowery way of saying “No distractions.” I made a version of this promise to myself for the first time last year. My life’s purpose was becoming clear and I promised myself I would not date anyone. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with dating but I know how my mind works when dating someone, or when I like someone. I spend tons of time thinking and daydreaming about them; they take up mental real estate that could be spent on other more purpose driven, and life affirming thoughts. This year I will be adding Netflix, and mindless games to the list of things that will not be allowed to occupy mental real estate.

  3. I promise to be present in good and bad times. By this, I mean I will not ghost. This is a promise to myself, as much as it is a promise to loved ones. I am notorious for ghosting on myself and on my friends, mainly as a coping mechanism for personal stress and anxiety. Another realization I had this past year is that when my personal life is in shambles, I tend to disappear from the lives of the people I am closest to. This year I will be more present, especially in the harder moments of life.

My bonus promise is to you all. This year I promise to be more open and vulnerable, and share more of my life experiences. In that vein, you can expect to see more posts like this. What promises are you making to yourself this year? Let me know in the comments

See you next time XX



Blazer: Zara sold out. Pink here Similar white here

Pants: Old Zara. Similar here

Bag: Zara sold out. Similar here and here

Shoes: Amazon

All photos by Roxanne R. Campbell